(description to come)

The Experiment : A tongue-in-cheek interactive audio-visual installation about an Artificial Intelligence that tries too hard to control its human counterpart.


Explores the relationship between human and machine, data collection and an ultimate, pathethic attempt from a machine to control people who care less and less about it.

My first artistic installation !
Duration : about 5 min
I discovered this place when I helped Marie with her installation.

Code Arduino

#include <CapacitiveSensor.h>

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo;

int lampPin = 7;

int laserCagePin = 8;

int smokeServoPin = 3;

int laserpointerPin = 12;

int presenceSensorPin = 9;

int rightPhotoResistorPin = A0;

int leftPhotoResistorPin = A2;

int laserpointerButtonPin = A5;

CapacitiveSensor cs_4_2 = CapacitiveSensor(4, 2);    //sphere capacitive sensor

int proximityThreshold = 2500;                        //sphere hand proximity threshold

int touchThreshold = 17000;                          //sphere hand touch threshold

int rightPhotoResistorThreshold = 250;                // lower = less perturbed by smoke

int leftPhotoResistorThreshold = 150;                // lower = less perturbed by smoke

int laserpointerButtonThreshold = 850;

bool presenceDetected = false;

bool sphereActive = true;

bool sphereTouched = false;

bool laserCageActive = false;

bool laserpointerActive = false;

bool laserpointerButtonPressed = false;

bool laserpointerButtonTimerStarted = false;

bool laserpointerButtonTimerEnded = false;

bool mainEloignee = false;

bool mainApproche = false;

bool drawingVoiceTimerStarted = false;

bool drawingVoiceTimerEnded = false;

unsigned long currentMillis = 0;

unsigned long previousMillis = 0;

unsigned long previousDrawingVoiceMillis = 0;

unsigned long previousLaserpointerButtonMillis = 0;

int sphereTouchedDelay = 2000;

int laserDelay = 0;

int drawingVoiceDelay = 20000;

int laserpointerButtonDelay = 32000;                                  //for how long people can draw with the blue laser pointer

int smokeServoDuration = 3000 + sphereTouchedDelay + laserDelay;

bool smokeServoTimerStarted = false;

bool smokeServoOn;

bool presenceStarted = false;

int rightPhotoResistor;

int leftPhotoResistor;

int laserpointerButton;

void setup() {




  pinMode(lampPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(laserCagePin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(smokeServoPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(laserpointerPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(presenceSensorPin, INPUT);



  digitalWrite(laserCagePin, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(laserpointerPin, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(lampPin, HIGH);

  smokeServoOn = false;

  //cs_4_2.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF);             //disable capacitivesensor autocalibration



void smokeServo() {

    if (smokeServoOn == false) {


      smokeServoOn = true;

      previousMillis = currentMillis;

      smokeServoTimerStarted = true;



void smokeServoTimer() {

   if (smokeServoOn == true && currentMillis - previousMillis > smokeServoDuration) {


      smokeServoOn = false;

      smokeServoTimerStarted = false;



void drawingVoiceTimer () {

  if (drawingVoiceTimerEnded == false && currentMillis - previousDrawingVoiceMillis > drawingVoiceDelay) {

      if (laserpointerButtonPressed == false) Serial.println("Voix dessin");

      drawingVoiceTimerEnded = true;



void laserpointerButtonTimer () {

  if (laserpointerButtonTimerEnded == false && currentMillis - previousLaserpointerButtonMillis > laserpointerButtonDelay) {

      Serial.println("Fin dessin");

      laserpointerButtonTimerEnded = true;

      digitalWrite(laserCagePin, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(laserpointerPin, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(lampPin, HIGH);

      laserCageActive = false;

      laserpointerActive = false;

      laserpointerButtonPressed = false;

      drawingVoiceTimerStarted = false;

      laserpointerButtonTimerStarted = false;

      sphereActive = true;

      delay(10000);                                       //delay to match python time.sleep



void laserpointerButtonTimerReset () {

    previousLaserpointerButtonMillis = currentMillis;

    laserpointerButtonTimerStarted = true;

    laserpointerButtonTimerEnded = false;


void drawingVoiceTimerReset () {

    previousDrawingVoiceMillis = currentMillis;

    drawingVoiceTimerStarted = true;

    drawingVoiceTimerEnded = false;


void touched() {

    digitalWrite(lampPin, LOW);


    digitalWrite(laserCagePin, LOW);

    digitalWrite(laserpointerPin, LOW);

    laserCageActive = true;

    laserpointerActive = true;



    smokeServoTimerStarted = true;

    sphereTouched = false; 

    delay(100);                                     //delay for photoresistor to pick up light signal from lasers


void lampFlicker() {

  digitalWrite(lampPin, LOW);


  digitalWrite(lampPin, HIGH);



void laserCageTouched() {

  digitalWrite(laserCagePin, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(laserpointerPin, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(lampPin, HIGH);

  if (laserpointerButtonPressed == true) {

    Serial.println("Fin dessin");



  else {




  laserCageActive = false;

  laserpointerActive = false;

  laserpointerButtonPressed = false;

  drawingVoiceTimerStarted = false;

  laserpointerButtonTimerStarted = false;

  sphereActive = true;

                                   //delay to match python time.sleep


void laserpointerPressed() {


  laserpointerButtonPressed = true;


void sphereInteractivity () {


  long sensorValue =  cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(300);

  Serial.println(String("                       sphereValue: ") + sensorValue + String("        "));

  //Serial.println("  \t");

  if (sensorValue < proximityThreshold && mainEloignee == false && mainApproche == true) {


    mainEloignee = true;


  if (sensorValue > proximityThreshold+1 && sensorValue < touchThreshold) {


    mainEloignee = false;

    mainApproche = true;



  if (sensorValue > touchThreshold+1) {


    sphereTouched = true;

    sphereActive = false;

    mainEloignee = false;

    mainApproche = false;



void welcomeVoice() {

  if (presenceDetected == true && presenceStarted == false) {

    Serial.println("Message de bienvenue");

    presenceStarted = true;


  if (presenceDetected == false) {

    presenceStarted = false;




void loop() {

  delay(50);                                                //delay to slow down everything

  //delay(200);                                                   //delay to read serial.print

  currentMillis = millis();

  presenceDetected = digitalRead(presenceSensorPin);


  Serial.println(String("                                            rightPhotoResistor: ") + rightPhotoResistor);

  Serial.println(String("                                             leftPhotoResistor: ") + leftPhotoResistor);

  if (laserCageActive == false) welcomeVoice();


  if (smokeServoTimerStarted == true) smokeServoTimer();


  if (sphereActive == true) sphereInteractivity();

  if (sphereTouched == true) touched();

  rightPhotoResistor = analogRead(rightPhotoResistorPin);

  leftPhotoResistor = analogRead(leftPhotoResistorPin);

  laserpointerButton = analogRead(laserpointerButtonPin);

  //Serial.println(String("laserpointerButton: ") + laserpointerButton);

  if (rightPhotoResistor < rightPhotoResistorThreshold && leftPhotoResistor < leftPhotoResistorThreshold && laserCageActive == true) laserCageTouched();        //COMMENT OFF TO CALIBRATE LASERS POSITIONS

  if (laserpointerButton < laserpointerButtonThreshold && laserCageActive == true && laserpointerButtonPressed == false) laserpointerPressed();

  if (laserCageActive == true && drawingVoiceTimerStarted == false) drawingVoiceTimerReset();

  if (laserCageActive == true && drawingVoiceTimerEnded == false) drawingVoiceTimer();

  if (laserCageActive == true && laserpointerButtonTimerStarted == false && laserpointerButtonPressed == true) laserpointerButtonTimerReset();

  if (laserCageActive == true && laserpointerButtonTimerEnded == false && laserpointerButtonPressed == true) laserpointerButtonTimer();

  //Serial.println(currentMillis - previousDrawingVoiceMillis);

  void reset_CS_AutoCal();          //reset capacitivesensor ?



Fabrication :
Building process :

The cable is a fake. No electric current will run through the sphere.

The lasers would start when the sphere is touched by someone. They all are under 5 mW of optical power, making them harmless (Class II).

Code Python
(to communicate with computer)

import time

import serial

import keyboard

import winsound

import vlc

ArduinoSerial = serial.Serial('com5',9600) 


player = vlc.Instance()

media_player = player.media_player_new()

welcome = player.media_new("welcome.mp3")

electricity = player.media_new("electricity.mp3")

thunder = player.media_new("thunder.mp3")

tryagain = player.media_new("tryagain.mp3")

voixdessin = player.media_new("voixdessin.mp3")

thankyou = player.media_new("thankyou.mp3")

welcomeIsPlaying = False

electricityIsPlaying = False

thunderIsPlaying = False

tryagainIsPlaying = False

voixdessinHasPlayed = False

thankyouIsPlaying = False

while True:

    incoming = str (ArduinoSerial.readline())

    print (incoming)



    if ('Message de bienvenue' in incoming and media_player.is_playing() == False):



        voixdessinHasPlayed = False

        #welcomeIsPlaying = True

    if ('MainEloignee' in incoming):


        electricityIsPlaying = False


    if ('MainApproche' in incoming and electricityIsPlaying == False):




        electricityIsPlaying = True

    if (media_player.is_playing() == False and electricityIsPlaying == True):



        electricityIsPlaying = True


    if ('MainTouche' in incoming):


        electricityIsPlaying = False

        voixdessinHasPlayed = False



        #thunderIsPlaying = True


    if ('CageLaserTouche' in incoming):




        #tryagainIsPlaying = True

        voixdessinHasPlayed = False


    if ('Voix dessin' in incoming):




        voixdessinHasPlayed = True

    if ('PointeurLaserAppuye' in incoming and voixdessinHasPlayed == False):




        #voixdessinIsPlaying = True

    if ('Fin dessin' in incoming):




        voixdessinHasPlayed = False


        #thankyouIsPlaying = True